There is a strange inclination that may be noticed in the enlightened age of ours. With every passing day the number of smoking people is raising in spite of the ciggie prices as well as the volume of money smokers have to disburse on them. Notwithstanding physicians' opinions concerning the carcinoma of lung and all the admonitions of public health ministries cigarette brands are still realizing perfect cigs and getting enormous sales revenues. Internet is overflowed with numerous contributions containing facts about the damage cigarette leads to, books as well as magazines are recommending new ways of desisting from smoking in one voice. But the number of smokers is steadily growing…
It has been said a great deal about the damage smoking provokes to human body. But are there any positive sides of it?
1. In the first place smoking is a process of social growth. Plenty of folks begin smoking as a step in their process of growing-up; these people want to convey a remonstrance to the world, show that they have a position as well as ideas of their own.
2. For some folks ciggie is a method to recover from some stress. Smoking assists in collecting oneself as well as relaxing; sometimes it is not the nicotine effect, but the smoking act which assists in settling down.
3. Medical science was never definite in things touching nicotine. On one side - it is a organic medicinal material, on the other - the reason of numerous illnesses. As opposed to the politicians (to sanction ciggies, to outlaw cigarettes) science does not follow black and white colors as well as primitive attitudes. The science is also impassive; the only thing that matters here is justice. And the verity is that all 4000 elements of the tobacco smoke even on the ground of statistics just can't be purely damaging. The mother nature is more knowledgeable than those who are studying it, that's why having created tobacco it has set on the balance both colors. Several medical studies have revealed that smoking may be a background to age infirmities preclusion, such as parkinsonian chorea and Alzheimer dementia.
4. Nicotine helps to control ones weight for sure.
5. Nicotine stimulates bloodstream and restores veins. That’s why it gives ease to those who are suffering from the impairment of circulation and to the diabetics.